Why Anti Oxidant Is Mandatory Dietary Supplement?
Well, as you know anti oxidant chemicals exist already in some form or other in your body cells to help prevent excessive oxidation rate. This higher rate of oxidation reactions is a major reason behind cancer propelling mutation in cells. These chain oxidation reactions affect cell components in so many other ways as well. Thus anti oxidants are an essential ingredient that must be present in our cells to efficiently perform their task.
However in certain situations, either anti oxidants are not present in the needed amount to effectively curb active oxidation, or they are almost not present in cells due to certain reasons. In such a situation it becomes necessary to consume anti oxidants along with your diet to nullify the effect of deficiency.
Even in normal situation, a regulated intake of anti oxidants keep the body in good condition. Oxygen itself is the most essential element for our existence but its free radicals which are produced after oxidation are found to be very damaging to the body cells. So every cell is needed to have control over ongoing oxidation procedure to limit the number of free radicals.
Different types of anti oxidant perform different protection task. For example vitamin A, C and E are anti oxidants but each of them serve a little different function by affecting specific cells for preventing rate of oxidation reaction. These three vitamins are found in natural products that could be taken as dietary supplement.
Another natural anti oxidant happens to be carotenoids. These are found in carrots, apricot and citrus fruits. This anti oxidant helps in preventing the development of cancerous cells. Green vegetables too offer certain types of anti oxidants. So, green vegetables must be a regular part of your diet.
Two major diseases that could be prevented by using anti oxidants are cancer and coronary artery diseases. It could be also very effective in keeping your eyes free of complications. So, intake of antioxidants is mandatory to keep you in good health condition.
There are many weight loss supplements in the market which promises amazing weight loss results. People look for these supplements because some may have certain eating disorders that make it difficult to lose weight while others may find that they are hitting a plateau with their weight loss program. While taking a weight loss supplement offers an attractive method to lose weight, some people might be concerned about the safety aspects of the supplement. Read more below to learn about the safety implications of an effective supplement in the market the Garcinia Cambogia Extract.
The Garcinia Cambogia Extract or commonly known as the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) extracted from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit is a popular natural supplement in the market for weight loss and obesity problem. There is research that showed that using the HCA supplement extracted from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit is able to help a person lose weight up to 2 to 3 times more effectively than one without taking the supplement.
Coupled with a proper diet and exercise plan, a person can lose up to 4 pounds in a month taking the HCA supplement. This is because Garcinia Cambogia is a natural suppressor of appetite and inhibitor of fat production. This dual property helped a person with weight loss and obesity problems effectively and efficiently. While there is not much doubt on the weight loss effects of the Garcinia Cambogia extract, many people may be concerned about any possible side-effects or safety implications to health when taking this supplement.
Garcinia has been used for centuries in Asian countries for culinary purposes as a condiment and flavouring agent in place of tamarind or lemon, and to make meals more filling. It has also been widely used as an anti-obesity herbal supplement for decades around the world.
In a review article published on Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012 (2012) on the toxicity of Garcinia or hydroxycitric acid (HCA), it was concluded that the various studies supported its safety and also demonstrated a wide margin of safety for human consumption.
The animal and clinical toxicology studies have also shown that HCA is generally safe and is classified as NOAEL (No Observable Adverse Effect Level) up to 1240 mg/kg/day. In addition, by virtue of the fact that the HCA extract has been widely used as an anti-obesity herbal supplement for decades around the world without report of birth defect or reproductive problem suggests that HCA is unlikely to cause reproductive or developmental toxicity.
However, pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding should not take the Garcinia Cambogia Extract supplement. Those who are taking diabetic medication like insulin or glyburide should also consult a doctor before taking this supplement because there is a risk that the supplement will cause blood sugar level to dip lower than usual. People with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia shouldn’t take HCA because of the risk of worsening dementia.
When buying this supplement, be sure to look for label that indicates the list of ingredients and be sure to review them. Do not purchase if there is no list of ingredients. Also, there should not be fillers or artificial ingredients inside the supplement. Be sure to follow the instruction given on the daily consumption dosage and do not exceed 300 mg total per day.